Sunday, September 4, 2022

Book Review - Secrets of a River Swimmer

Secrets of a River Swimmer

A Novel by S. S. Turner


My intention was to finish this book sooner, but things didn't work out that way!  I did start reading it as soon as I got it back in March and at about the half-way mark, things started going a little haywire as life sometimes has a tendency to do.  I liked it, it caught and kept my interest until I was forced to put it down for a while. I finally finished it...and here is what I thought.

Be warned that you'll need to pay attention to catch onto what's going on at the start.  Once you realize that the entire story is an eclectic, playful and sometimes dark mix of reality and fantasy.  There's no right or wrong way to interpret what's going on; I think the main objective of the book is to realize that not everyone's life is as rosy as it appears and behind closed doors, everyone has their issues.  I think it can be interpreted in many ways, but that's the gist.

Without going into too much detail and spoiling the book for you, it's basically about the main character who is having some issues in life and contemplates ending it all before jumping into a river and into a world of fantasy where he meets other characters much like him and others with questionable motives.  With a goal in mind, he sets out on the path to something better.

I liken this story to something like Alice in Wonderland without the children's elements. It's quirky, it's funny, it's relatable and it's sometimes sad. I loved the various pop culture references throughout that brought some familiarity to the overall picture. As you follow the main character's adventure, you'll be taken to unexpected places, you'll meet fascinating characters and you'll learn new life lessons and things to ponder in your own life.

My final thoughts? I loved it!  Reading this book helped me realize that I'm not alone in any suffering I experience and there is a light at the end of the tunnel if you just seek what it is you need to get through it.

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