Monday, February 3, 2020

Routine is Good...Until it's Not

As I sat looking out the window this morning drinking coffee and listening to tropical rainforest sounds as heavy snow fell to the ground outside, I realized something; I haven't traveled outside of the country since I went to Scotland in September of 2016!

This realization might have been brought on by the fact that I am usually sitting on a beach somewhere tropical this time of year but, alas, I am buried in snow instead.  This may not sound like a big deal to you but for someone who is a self-proclaimed travel addict who typically travels to at least one international destination every year, it's a big deal.  And as a freelance travel writer, it's a dishonour to my work. After all, if I don't go anywhere, what stories do I have to tell?

This is why you haven't seen much posted on my blog lately.  It's not that I don't have time or am sick of posting.  I, quite simply, have no stories to tell. That's not to say I haven't been staying true to my writing; I just write what other people want me to write.  In other words, I've been busying myself with a lot of content writing for various sources to get ahead of some bills and take advantage of the free time I have at the moment.  It's too cold and wintery to be outside anyway so why not stay indoors and play catch up!

Travel hasn't been on my radar much in the past couple of years for a number of reasons.  As I'm sure many of you know all too well, there are two big things that get in the way of living the life you really want; work and funds.  Lack of funds is a huge one for me lately.  Prior to 2016, I lived with roommates and paid very little for rent.  When that situation changed, my living expenses almost tripled.  I'm also focusing on putting money down on some debt I'd like to get rid of.  It's all good though.  I'm keeping busy.  I've learned to enjoy summer staycations.  Writing projects occupy my time when the weather is bad and snowshoeing adventures occupy my time when the weather is more cooperative.
To be honest, my life has become a little too routine.  I admit, I think I'm getting a little comfortable with that reality!  This morning, when I started thinking about my past travels, I found myself looking back and feeling proud of what I accomplished. 

I was terrified the first time I took the leap and decided to do my first female solo trip.  Taking that leap opened up so many doors for me.  It enhanced my life in more ways than I could ever have imagined.  The places I've seen, the things I've learned, the skills I mastered, the people I met and the unknown roads I explored.  Just thinking about it makes me beam with happiness because I know one day soon, I will be back on the road....or in the sky which is usually the case with international travel. 

With that renewed sense of adventure and discovery will come more tales to share with the world.  After all, one of my reasons for writing about travel is to inspire others to do the same.  It is one of the most fulfilling things we can do.  To travel is to close the gap that exists when we have little knowledge of other cultures. To travel is to learn about the people we share this planet with.  To travel is to make the world seem smaller and bring us all closer together.  To travel is to experience things outside of our normal everyday lives and make memories we can carry with us for the rest of our lives. 

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